What's the difference in my old VIP plan and the new MouseCalls memberships?
Well, it's kind of like the difference between a boar-bristle 1910-era toothbrush and a modern sonic-powered one.
When we first launched our VIP plans in 2016, we were meeting key desires our clients had...to secure them, support them, and not nickel-and-dime them. The VIP plans were so successful, heck, they blew us away...94% of folks presented with a VIP plan option signed on!
Times change, though. Cyber-threats and technologies advance at a mind-blowing pace. Our eyes were opened when clients on VIP plans started getting their identity stolen, or worse, allowing an unknown person into their computers. We also had so many VIPs approach us for new features; password management, ways to remove their information from Internet sites, more ways to keep the bad guys OUT. Banks and credit unions started sending us people we had never done business with before because their accounts and computers had been breached.
The new generation of MouseCalls Memberships takes a holistic approach. Protecting a device isn't enough anymore; MouseCalls can now protect the computer, phone, tablet, household, and individual. If your doctor used anesthetic and medical techniques that were 100 years old, you'd probably want to find a new doctor! If you are on the old VIP plans, we encourage you to upgrade to a new plan today!